Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Elements of the Brand Foundation (Week 2)

Core Purpose: To sell footwear and apparel for casual wear and also used in activities such as skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, BMX and motocross.

Our mission is to provide today’s youth of the extreme sports culture with the most stylish, affordable, durable and the best quality brand of footwear, apparel, accessories. Our aim is to make our customers live and feel youthful, jubilant and independent.

Position: How we are different?  Size does matter when you are trusting someone else with your most important projects. We have the strength, experience and the capacity to compete with the best biggest competitions out there. We make sure that the total skate/surf community laid back, sporty, and cool look.

Position Statement:
For today's youth, Vans Inc. is the leading extreme sports brand that delivers the highest quality in extreme sportswear because only Vans is committed to the complete satisfaction of our customers.

Character: As part of its marketing strategy, Vans backs alternative rock and heavy metal bands through music festivals

Our vision start in 1966 and now in 2012 we still can say our products stayed true to our brand and customers who like to dress casual and the ones who participate in Extreme sports. Our company continues to evolve through style and technology that provide our customers with style, comfort and performance.

The values of this company is to provide customers with high quality products such as shoes, clothes and accessories. Also Vans have kept the same values to present day as we did when we started in 1966 and hope that we satisfied every person that has purchased our products.

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